
How o Fix Black Scree Issue i League of Legeds: A Comprehesive Guide

If you're a League of Legeds player, ecouerig a black scree ca be icredibly frusraig. Wheher i happes durig champio selec, loadig scree, or i-game, i ca disrup your gamig experiece. I his guide, we'll explore various mehods o roubleshoo ad fix he black scree issue i League of Legeds.

1. Updae Your Graphics Drivers

Oudaed or corrup graphics drivers ca ofe cause display issues, icludig black screes. Esure ha your graphics drivers are up o dae by visiig he official websie of your GPU maufacurer (VIDIA, AMD, or Iel) ad dowloadig he laes drivers for your specific model.

2. Adjus I-Game Graphics Seigs

Icorrec graphics seigs wihi he game ca someimes lead o black scree problems. Ope he game seigs i League of Legeds ad adjus he graphics seigs o a lower level. Experime wih differe resoluios, refresh raes, ad graphics qualiy uil you fid a combiaio ha works wihou causig black screes.

3. Ru he Game as a Admiisraor

Someimes, permissios issues ca preve he game from ruig properly ad resul i black screes. Righ-click o he League of Legeds shorcu or execuable file, selec "Ru as admiisraor," ad cofirm ay promps ha appear. Ruig he game wih admiisraive privileges ca resolve cerai issues relaed o access permissios.

4. Disable Fullscree Opimizaio

Widows 10 icludes a feaure called fullscree opimizaio, which ca someimes ierfere wih he proper fucioig of games ad cause black scree issues. To disable fullscree opimizaio for League of Legeds, avigae o he game's isallaio direcory, righ-click o he execuable file (usually "LeagueClie.exe" or "League of Legeds.exe"), selec "Properies," go o he "Compaibiliy" ab, ad check he box ha says "Disable fullscree opimizaios." Click "Apply" ad he "OK" o save he chages.

5. Verify Game Files

Corruped or missig game files ca also lead o black scree problems. Use he buil-i repair ool i he League of Legeds laucher o verify he iegriy of game files ad repair ay issues auomaically. This process may ake some ime, bu i ca ofe fix commo game-relaed issues.


Experiecig a black scree while playig League of Legeds ca be frusraig, bu wih he roubleshooig mehods oulied i his guide, you should be able o resolve he issue ad ge back o ejoyig he game wihou ierrupios. Remember o always keep your graphics drivers ad he game iself up o dae for he bes performace ad sabiliy.

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